Monday, January 12, 2009


Alyssa: So, I slept with this guy, let’s call him “Frank”, and he’s just not funny anymore… I don’t think he’s any less funny than he was before I slept with him, or maybe he was never funny in the first place. And I just thought he was funny, because I wanted to sleep with him? I dunno.
Kelly: Yea, I know what you mean. It’s like you only THOUGHT he was funny because you wanted to sleep with him. It’s like beer goggles, for sex.
A: YES! Exactly. It’s like I stole his funny.
K: What if you could catch someone’s personality traits like STD’s? Like after sleeping with him, you caught his funny, and now he doesn’t have it anymore.
A: I HAVE been feeling funnier since I slept with him…

STF- Sexually Transmitted Funny. After sleeping with a funny person, you yourself, become funnier, and in turn, leave your sexual partner unfunny.
STV- Sexually Transmitted Violence. Once sleeping with a violent person, you yourself become more violent. This trait does not necessarily leave the other person, you just do.
STI- Sexually Transmitted Intelligence. This one could actually work to your advantage. If you, let’s say, sleep with an Asian before taking the SAT’s, you are almost guaranteed a killer score. Just make sure you do them an odd number of times, so you end up with the smarts, and don’t pass it back to them.

Other less plausible possibilities: Such as, contracting a British accent after sleeping with that hot foreign exchange student, becoming really good at golf, contracting racism, brown eyes, growing taller, or shorter, and dramatic weight gain or loss.

*It should be noted that these contagious characteristics are more easily passed from males to females than vice versa. There is a 7:1 chance for females to contract something if participating in unprotected sex.


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