Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happy Birthday Elvis!

In Honor Of what would have been the King's 74th birthday, I am posting two of my favorite Elvis themed things in the whole wide world.

Number One.... The greatest Elvis Impersonator ever.
Who Loves steel reserve?!?!?...This Guy Does.

Number Two.....Straight Outta Disgraceland.. "Dead Elvis And His One Man Grave"



  1. I resent the fact that we never had the chance to see "the greatest Elvis impersonator ever" when we were in Vegas some years back. I can't remember if it was because we couldn't tear ourselves away from our egregious gambling addiction or our profound need to stare at naked women while shoveling over handfuls of cash to said beauties.

  2. haha, I do seem to remember me touting someone over at circus circus as the greatest ever. I believe it was a scheduling conflict. He was not there when we were available. Naked women...hehehe


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